Development of Scientific Relations and Human Capital

An Introduction to the office for Development of Scientific Relations and Human Capital
Creating active mechanisms to benefit from the knowledge and experience of Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad in developing Iran’s scientific and technological ecosystem with the Brain Circulation approach, helping to create new businesses and develop knowledge-based companies and business prosperity by professional manpower and entrepreneurs, and using the capacity of foreign experts and researchers by granting them special residency.
- Establishing a bridge between Iranian specialists and entrepreneurs abroad by creating selected science and technology centers in the country.
- Explaining the cooperation capacities of specialized databases in various fields of science and technology.
- Defining how Iranian specialists and researchers abroad cooperate with domestic science and technology centers before entering the country.
- Paving the way for the transfer of new service skills, methods and capabilities to the country.
- Benefiting from the capacity of foreign elites and specialists in the form of granting them special residence permits.

Seyyed Ali Hosseini
Services of the Office for the Development of Scientific Relations and Human Capital
1. Connect platform
- Cooperation with Iranian specialists and entrepreneurs abroad
- Development of a network of specialized partner databases
Supporting the recruitment and cooperation of Iranian specialists and researchers abroad in the form of postdoctoral projects, sabbaticals, visiting and auxiliary professors, lectures and specialized workshops, establishment of start-up companies, specialized duty system and faculty recruitment.
2. Overseas specialized military service platform
Defining research and applied projects for Iranian specialists abroad with the aim of replacing military service remotely in cooperation with the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces and selected domestic specialized bases.
3. i-Connect platform
Cooperation with international experts and entrepreneurs
Granting special residencies of 3 to 10 years to international researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs
Achievements of the Office for the Development of Human Capital
- 40 top universities of Iran
- 10 top research centers of Iran
- 5 top technological parks of Iran
- National Foundation of Elites
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Interior Ministry’s Office for Foreign Nationals
- Immigration Observatory