Recycling of industrial metal waste gains steam in Iran

An Iranian knowledge-based company has managed to use homegrown technology to facilitate the recycling of industrial waste and extract useful elements.

Farhad Gharabaghi, CEO of Kimia Gostar Sepehr Zangan Knowledge-Based Company says the firm produces a broad range of knowledge-based products, adding that the key area in which it works is related to the recycling of waste from zinc factories into such elements as cadmium, nickel, cobalt, zinc and manganese oxide. 

Gharabaghi went on to say that another activity of the company is the recycling of industrial catalysts which results in the production of tungsten oxide and titanium oxide. 

As for the customers of Kimia Gostar Sepehr Zangan Knowledge-Based Company, he said the products of the company are mainly metals used in such industries as steel, electroplating, etc.   

He described the high purity, reasonable price and simple manufacturing process of these products as a competitive advantage of the company. 

Gharabaghi said the raw material used to make the products is waste and that hazardous materials are not used in the process of making metals or oxides. 

So the compounds, he noted, are by-products of nature. 

The CEO of the Iranian knowledge-based company said the firm has created 10 direct and many more indirect jobs.

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