Knowledge-based products on display in Iran Health Exhibition

The head of the guild union of the producers and exporters of medical, dental and laboratory equipment has announced the unveiling of new products in different medical fields in the 23rd Iran Health Exhibition.
According to the secretariat of the exhibition, Dr. Majid Rouhi referred to the holding of the 23rd Iran Health Exhibition and said the event in which Iranian and foreign medical companies have a strong presence will be about the supply of medical and health equipment. He added that the exhibition is tasked with creating interaction and promoting communication and two-way uses of the companies.
Rouhi also described the Iran Health Exhibition as one of the most prestigious ones in the business.
Dr. Rouhi said in the medical and healthcare equipment industry, scientific and industrial development takes place on a daily basis.
He added that holding these events provides authorities in the health and medical industry with an opportunity to gradually observe progress, growth and self-sufficiency in this area with exchange of information and knowledge of the latest global achievements alongside support from relevant authorities.
The 23rd International Exhibition of Medical, Dental, Laboratory, Pharmaceutical and Health Equipment (Iran Health) will run from May 24 to May 27 from 9 am to 6 pm at the permanent fairground of the Tehran International Fair.